
The Nanotechnology Research Group, is a cluster of 36 researchers comprising academics, postdoctoral researchers and postgraduate students, within the University of Limerick’s Bernal Institute. The group conducts leading research on environmental and energy sustainability, with a specific focus on nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for sustainable energy storage & conversion and for sustainable industrial processes.

The Nanotechnology Research Group has a strong track record of leading scientific discoveries and of delivering research-led training and education at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. The group provides students and researchers the opportunity to work on cutting edge research, under the supervision of leading research thought leaders at the University of Limerick, and with access to state-of–the-art R&D infrastructure at the Bernal Institute.



PhD & Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Ibrahim Saana Aminu
Principal Investigator

Research Interests: Novel Nanomaterial Design, Li-ion Batteries, Al-ion Batteries, EVs

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Dr Kwadwo Asare Owusu
Postdoctoral Researcher

Developing new nanomaterials and chemistries for energy conversion and storage devices 

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Dr Syed Abdul Ahad
Postdoctoral Researcher

Metal anode, Li-ion and Na-ion batteries, Nanomaterial synthesis for energy storage applications

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Dr Dominika Capkova
Postdoctoral Researcher

Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Lithium-ion Batteries, Material and Electrochemical Characterization.

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Dr Balasubramaniam M
Postdoctoral Researcher (IRC)

Research Interests: Designing Novel Nanostructures through Facile Routes and Characterization, Na-ion Batteries, and Supercapacitors.

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Dr Infanta Diana Michael
Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Interests: Materials synthesis and characterization for Na-ion batteries 

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Dr Suvodeep Sen
IRC Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interest: Colloidal synthesis of transition metal chalcogenide heterostructures for (Photo)electrocatalytic HER and OER.

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Dr Ankita Bora
Postdoc Researcher

Interested in Colloidal Nanocrystal Synthesis and study of their Optical Properties

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Mohini Mishra
Phd Student (Supervisors K Ryan, S Singh)

PhD Student Feb 2019 Start 

Research Interests: Synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals, characterization, and assembly.

Adrian Hannon
PhD Student (Supervisors T Kennedy, K Ryan,

Research Interests: Nanodevice Fabrication, Nanowire Synthesis, Charge Carrier Mechanisms & Behaviour, Materials Characterisation, Nano Deposition Techniques

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Rebecca Forde
PhD Student Amber (Supervisors K Ryan, H Geaney)

Aluminium sulfur batteries, Lithium sulfur batteries, Nanomaterials 

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Mei Li
PhD Researcher Supervisors K Ryan, H Geaney, T Kennedy

Nanomaterial Synthesis, Lithium ion batteries, electrochemistry energy conversion 

Niraj Patil
PhD Researcher

Design of nanoscale functional materials and understanding their fundamental properties and mechanistic insights

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Aaron O'Sullivan
PhD Researcher

Supercritical fluids, Atomization, (Bio)Pharmaceuticals, Cocrystals, Crystallization

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Kelly Murphy
PhD Researcher

Lithium-ion batteries, Sodium-ion batteries, nanomaterial synthesis.

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Hannah McKeever
PhD Researcher

Synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals for energy & environmental applications.

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Misbah Mushtaq
PhD Researcher

Na-ion battery , CNFs synthesis and characterization

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Aaron Hennessy
PhD Researcher

Research Interest: Developing new bespoke battery technologies for autonomous mobile robots using silicon materials. 

Deaglan Bowman
PhD Researcher (Supervised by Dr. David McNulty)

Li-S batteries, CNS synthesis and characterisation for energy storage applications.

Muhammad Zain Bin Amjad
PhD Researcher

Starting date of PhD: November 2022

Research Interests: 
~Silicon Nanowire / Graphite Composite Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
~Sodium Batteries 
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Maryam Tahertalari
PhD Researcher

Development of Li metal batteries and modelling techniques for energy storage applications

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Manoj Palabathuni
PhD Researcher

Current Research: - Study of Ternary Metal Dichalcogenides Nanocrystals for energy harvesting and storage applications.

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Gaurav Nath
PhD Researcher

Research interest: Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries and Synthesis of nanomaterials for energy storage.

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Dr Marina Moraes Leite
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Na-ion batteries, material synthesis and characterization.

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Marco Cornago
Former PhD Researcher

Solid-state batteries, solid electrolytes, Lithium-ion batteries, nanomaterial synthesis

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Dr Amit Kumar
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Characterization and optimization of the curing of Benzocyclobutene for semiconductor application

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Manh Xuan Pham
Former PhD student

Research Interests: Synthesis of anisotropic colloidal nanocrystals; characterization and assembly 

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Luigi Jacopo Santa Maria
Former PhD Researcher

Research interests: Ionic liquids electrolytes, Li-ion batteries, Silicon NW as anodes in Li-ion batteries

Nilotpal Kapuria
Former PhD Student (IRC Laureate) Supervisors K Ryan, S Singh

Date of PhD start: 23rd Oct’ 18. Graduated: 30th August '23. 
Research Interests: Synthesis of anisotropic colloidal nanocrystals, characterization, and assembly

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Abinaya Sankaran
Former PhD Student (Si-Drive H2020) Joint with Dr H Geaney

PhD Student March 2019 Start 

Research Interests: Nanomaterials, Electrochemical Energy devices-Fuel cell and Batteries.

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Dr. Michela Ottaviani
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Expertise in the synthesis of silicon-based nanomaterials for energy storage applications.

Maria Zubair
Former PhD Student (SFI) Supervisors K Ryan, S Singh

Research interest: Material Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Colloidal Synthesis

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Dr Cathal O’Donnell
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Renewable Energy Generation, Large Scale Energy Storage, Smart Grid technology, Electric Vehicles.


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Esther Adegoke
Former PhD Student (SFI Joint with Prof U Bangert)

Date of PhD start: Jan, 2019
Research Interests: High resolution and in-situ electron microscopy techniques

Dr Muhammad Rashad
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoc: November 2020 - March 2023
Metal Matrix Composites, Synthesis of Functional Nanomaterials, Mg/Li-Ion Batteries

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Dr S. Chandra Sekhar
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoc: April 2022 - January 2023

Na-ion batteries, Li-ion batteries, supercapacitors, and water splitting

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Sumair Imtiaz
Former PhD Student (SFI MaREI) Supervisors K Ryan, T Kennedy

PhD Completed: December, 2018 -  Dec 2022
Research Interests: Alloy-based Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterisation for Li-ion and Beyond Li-ion Batteries

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Keywords: Lithium ion Batteries, Silicon Anodes, Colloidal Nanocrystals, Nanorods, Nanowires, Silicon, Germanium, Cadmium Sulphide, Cadmium Selenide, Copper Indium Gallium Sulphide/selenide (CIGS), Dicopper-zinc-tin-tetrasulphide (CZTS), Nanorod Assembly, Electrophoretic Assembly, Charge based Assembly, Thin-films, Photoabsorbers, Pharmaceutical Nanocrystals.

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